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Disclaimer & Scam Warning
We have recently become aware that Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project, the BSWA, Ajahn Brahm and Ven Canda’s (Ayya Canda) name and images have been posted on a website called “Open Sangha Foundation”. We are not affiliated with “Open Sangha Foundation” in any way. We did not create any user profile nor account on their website. Anukampa, …
Hot news just in! Today, July 11th, 2024, Anukampa Grove Bhikkhuni Monastery became officially registered as a “Place of Worship,” thanks to the help of our trustee Ken. This means that we are legally recognised as a Buddhist Monastery that can take up to six monastic residents ~ we may also get a little tax …
Read more “Anukampa Grove Just Got Registered as A Place of Worship!”
Fundraising For A Buddha Statue
This fundraiser, set up by trustworthy Dhamma friends and supporters, is for a special antique Buddha-rupa from Myanmar for our new Anukampa Grove Bhikkhuni Monastery. The statue is being held for us at an outlet in the Netherlands, an hour from the home of two supporters and they have been there to examine and select …
A Dhamma Journey From Laos to the UK
By Casey. The idea of ordaining had already been playing around in my mind the first time I heard about bhikkhunis. I had been living in the heavily Theravada but bhikkhuni-less country of Laos for about five years when I mentioned this aspiration of nun-hood to my boss offhand. My boss, a young-at-heart Thai gender …
Warmest Dhamma greetings and some ✨BIG NEWS✨ as a Christmas present to you!
by Ven Canda The last month has been the most momentous time in eight years for Anukampa. Of course this was not really out of the blue, but the sudden and beautiful ripening of many intentions, so much hard work, and all your trust and support across the years. If you are regularly in touch …
Read more “Warmest Dhamma greetings and some ✨BIG NEWS✨ as a Christmas present to you!”
Prospective Monastery So Close: Donate Now to Bridge the Gap!
Your help is still needed us to make our vision of an inclusive, welcoming Buddhist community come true! Ajahn Brahm’s visit this year was exceptional in many ways and most notably for an unexpected property find! On the long train ride back from visiting his extended family north of Liverpool, inspiration struck and we discovered …
Read more “Prospective Monastery So Close: Donate Now to Bridge the Gap!”
An Ideal Forest Monastery is Available Now!
Ajahn Brahm’s visit this year was exceptional in many ways and most notably for an unexpected property find! On the long train ride back from visiting his extended family and “scouser” (i.e. Liverpudlian) roots, inspiration struck and we discovered an affordable property online. Two days later, before the Bristol talk, Ajahn, Shel, and I went to view …
Cute & Cuddly Monastics on Ajahn Brahmali’s Tour!
by Casey When I first started my journey along the Buddhist Path, I was intimidated by monastics. They looked too grand and holy silently lined up in their orange robes on the early morning streets of Vientiane, Laos, where I live and work, or solemnly chanting unintelligible Pali blessings while sitting stone-faced at funeral ceremonies. …
Read more “Cute & Cuddly Monastics on Ajahn Brahmali’s Tour! “
Live-Streaming Ajahn Brahmali Retreat!
Dear Friends, We have decided to broaden the reach of our upcoming week-long residential deep dive into breath meditation retreat with Ajahn Brahmali by livestreaming the morning and evening session on the Anukampa YouTube channel here The livestream will begin from Day Two through to Day Seven (14th May to 19th May) as follows: …
Bhikkhunis on the Witches’ Pendle Hill!
by Paul (Anukampa Facebook Coordinator), 19th April 2023 What a blessing it has been to host Venerables Canda & Upekkha in our little cottage here in the Ribble Valley, Lancashire for a few days this month. Their presence transformed our humble abode into a mini Bhikkhuni Vihara while my partner Richard, our little beagle Amber and I vacated the …
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