Bhikkhunis on the Witches’ Pendle Hill!

by Paul (Anukampa Facebook Coordinator), 19th April 2023

What a blessing it has been to host Venerables Canda & Upekkha in our little cottage here in the Ribble Valley, Lancashire for a few days this month. Their presence transformed our humble abode into a mini Bhikkhuni Vihara while my partner Richard, our little beagle Amber and I vacated the house for their ease. Breakfast and lunch dana was offered daily, the regular Friday Night Sutta Discussion Class was broadcast live from our lounge and we got to know the learned Ven Upekkha a little better.

Lunch dana offering

We also had the opportunity to do a memorable hike up and over nearby Pendle Hill. With its infamous connection to the Pendle Witch Trials of 1612 and the beginnings of the Quaker Movement with the divine vision of George Fox in 1652 on its summit, Pendle Hill has seen some important historic events including the sojourn of Mahatma Gandhi in a village close by in 1931. The visit of Britain’s only known resident Theravada bhikkhunis at present is no less significant, in particular for the History of Buddhism in Britain. They are probably the first ever fully ordained Buddhist Nuns to ascend her heights!

Hike at Pendle Hill

Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project has brought a lot of joy to my life since becoming a volunteer back in 2016 and this has been a highlight for us. Long may the Bhikkhuni Sangha continue to grow and flourish for the benefit of all living beings!

Paul Burton 🙂