Prospective Monastery So Close: Donate Now to Bridge the Gap!

Your help is still needed us to make our vision of an inclusive, welcoming Buddhist community come true!✨

Ajahn Brahm’s visit this year was exceptional in many ways and most notably for an unexpected property find! On the long train ride back from visiting his extended family north of Liverpool, inspiration struck and we discovered an affordable prospective monastery property online.

Two days later, Ajahn, Ven Canda and volunteer Shel, went to view it and thought the layout and location ideal for a Forest Monastery – secluded yet accessible, with potential to expand. The prospective monastery is on Boars’ Hill just 5 miles from Oxford station. This location would enable us to stay near our main hub of support – and our friends, the Oxford Buddha Vihara monks – bringing the four-fold assembly to Oxford.

Happy volunteers with the Sangha at the end of Ajahn Brahm’s UK tour, 20.11.23 🙂

We and our loyal supporters have been running high on inspiration due your heart-warming response so far, in the form of donations, loan offers and messages of support. You have shown us that when intentions are aligned to Dhamma, they have power to spread the Buddha’s teachings and build safe, beloved communities. You have shown us how dedicated to practice you are. You have shown us that as a Buddhist community, we are ready to develop a monastery that will benefit us all – and so we celebrate and rejoice!

Our finances team once again would like to thank you for all your generous loan offers, including that of the BSWA. Our Treasurer Manori will be getting in touch with you again soon with more updates. We are now inviting donations of any amount to bridge the critical difference between loans and costs, so we can put in a successful offer (there are two other parties putting an offer in too)! For options on how to donate, please visit

Trustees Elena and Manori with Ven Canda, close to the prospective new Forest Monastery! 22.11.23

An Ideal Forest Monastery is Available Now!

Ajahn Brahm’s visit this year was exceptional in many ways and most notably for an unexpected property find! On the long train ride back from visiting his extended family and “scouser” (i.e. Liverpudlian) roots, inspiration struck and we discovered an affordable property online. Two days later, before the Bristol talk, Ajahn, Shel, and I went to view it. The layout and location ideal for a Forest Monastery – secluded yet accessible with potential to expand. The property is on Boars’ Hill just 5 miles from Oxford station. This location would enable us to stay close to our main hub of volunteers and supporters – and our friends, the Oxford Buddha Vihara monks! 

Autumn on the River Thames in Oxford

Since then and during our last weekend retreat ending 19th November, an overwhelming amount of support has been pouring in from so many of you. Our local and international communities have mobilised to help put us in a position to make a cash offer using personal loans, (just until these can be repaid when we sell our Vihara). We will have more information on whether we can proceed with an offer very soon.

At this point, we can only accept a limited number of loans due to the time frame and paperwork involved. We are therefore encouraging contributions of any amount so that we can move forward at this critical juncture. We have been searching for a property like this for years and know how rare a find this is – a peaceful yet central place to fulfil our mission of growing a Bhikkhuni Sangha here in the UK and develop a welcoming and inclusive spiritual community around that, which you can be a part of!

The monastics and their loyal supporters have been running high on inspiration due your heart-warming response so far. You have shown us the power that Dhamma-aligned intentions have in spreading the Buddha’s teachings and how dedicated to practice you are. You have shown us that as a community, we are ready for a monastery that will benefit us all – and for that I celebrate and rejoice!   

What You Can Do Next

If you would like to make a one-off donation, by bank transfer, PayPal, card, or to make a regular monthly donation, please visit

For those of you who have so kindly offered loans, thank you! Manori will be in touch soon to update you on the next steps, or you are welcome to write to if you have any questions.

Live-Streaming Ajahn Brahmali Retreat!

Dear Friends,

We have decided to broaden the reach of our upcoming week-long residential deep dive into breath meditation retreat with Ajahn Brahmali by livestreaming the morning and evening session on the Anukampa YouTube channel here

The livestream will begin from Day Two through to Day Seven (14th May to 19th May) as follows:

09:00 – 10:00 Morning talk

20:15 – 21:30 Anonymous Q&A from “the box”

The final day’s morning session will close the retreat on 20th May:

Day 8

09:00 – 10:30 Closing talk and loving kindness meditation

All recordings will also be made available on the Anukampa YouTube channel following the conclusion of the tour.

Bhikkhunis on the Witches’ Pendle Hill!

by Paul (Anukampa Facebook Coordinator), 19th April 2023

What a blessing it has been to host Venerables Canda & Upekkha in our little cottage here in the Ribble Valley, Lancashire for a few days this month. Their presence transformed our humble abode into a mini Bhikkhuni Vihara while my partner Richard, our little beagle Amber and I vacated the house for their ease. Breakfast and lunch dana was offered daily, the regular Friday Night Sutta Discussion Class was broadcast live from our lounge and we got to know the learned Ven Upekkha a little better.

Lunch dana offering

We also had the opportunity to do a memorable hike up and over nearby Pendle Hill. With its infamous connection to the Pendle Witch Trials of 1612 and the beginnings of the Quaker Movement with the divine vision of George Fox in 1652 on its summit, Pendle Hill has seen some important historic events including the sojourn of Mahatma Gandhi in a village close by in 1931. The visit of Britain’s only known resident Theravada bhikkhunis at present is no less significant, in particular for the History of Buddhism in Britain. They are probably the first ever fully ordained Buddhist Nuns to ascend her heights!

Hike at Pendle Hill

Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project has brought a lot of joy to my life since becoming a volunteer back in 2016 and this has been a highlight for us. Long may the Bhikkhuni Sangha continue to grow and flourish for the benefit of all living beings!

Paul Burton đŸ™‚

Why Do You Support Bhikkhunis? Three Male Perspectives

In this thought-provoking and spontaneous interview, Ven Canda & Ven Upekkha speak to three male guests visiting Anukampa Bhikkhuni Vihara about if and why bhikkhuni ordination matters to them as male Buddhists, and what they feel bhikkhunis offer to them – and to the Buddhist world at large.

The conversation is mainly directed toward Ananda (Luke), a devoted 21 year old Buddhist aspiring to ordain as a bhikkhu, and Erlend from Norway, a 47 year old Buddhist who is heavily involved in supporting Ajahn Nitho to develop a monastery in Norway. Ananda’s father Patrick, who came to Buddhism through Taekwondo, offered a few words as well – so the voices of three generations are heard here. We thank Ananda, Erlend and Patrick for their kind participation and thoughts on this important matter.

May all beings fulfill their spiritual aspirations!

Ven Upekkha’s Musings

Crawling out from under a rock in Gidgegannup, I felt like a neanderthal arriving at Heathrow airport. Prepared with a stack of letters proving that it was alright to enter a country without money, I stood on the 300 or so long e-immigration line that was manned by two people. It may have been Ajahn Brahm and Ven Canda sending metta at the time, but more likely that immigration officers were on strike – I arrived in the UK safely, and my long-awaited visit to Ven Canda had finally come to be.

Peering into a computer screen in the mornings and putting on my thick coat to walk down the quaint streets of Iffley towards the Thames in the afternoons, I wonder at how transient life can be.  Having joined a forest monastery almost 14 years ago, I would never have imagined I would be sitting in front of a computer in a small terraced house in Oxford. As our abbot at Dhammasara, Ajahn Hasapanna often says, ‘Whatever you least expected – is probably what will happen’.

Ven Canda and Ven Upekkha in the dana hall

It has been a privilege to be part of and witness the growing community taking shape around Anukampa Bhikkhuni Vihara. Having known Ven Canda since before we took bhikkhuni ordination together in 2014, I know how hard she has worked (and still does). A Bhikkhuni Vihara in the UK is a reality.  There is a dana hall, a meditation hall, and rooms for nuns and lay guests.

More inspiring than the Vihara (not to be under-estimated, a roof over our heads!) are all those who have come by. Some long-term Buddhists and others inspired by Ven Canda’s ongoing Zoom sessions; the generosity and sincerity of everyone involved is palpable.

The highlight for me so farwas an invitation from the Oxford Buddha Vihara to teach on their eight-precept day. We were warmly welcomed by the bhikkhu community and Venerable Mahasena proudly introduced the two bhikkhunis in the neighbourhood to his supporters.

A long-term supporter of the OBV wrote afterwards in an email:

“It’s just dawning on me how yesterday was such a historical moment – the four-fold assembly meeting together at the Oxford Buddha Vihara in joy and harmony! Because it was so relaxed and informal it might be easy to miss the significance of the event, but I will always remember it.”

Oxford Buddhist Vihara visit in early April

I have been very fortunate in my monastic life â€“ to have the opportunity to practice as a fully-ordained nun, in a harmonious community in a vast forest. But I stand on the shoulders of giants. Those who had the guts to make it possible for women to live the Holy Life to its fullest – and those brave women and bhikkhunis who went before me.

May I be able to give back some of all that I have received,
Venerable Upekkha 🙂

What’s Happening at the Monastery?

Here at Anukampa Vihara we have had many delightful comings and goings, with each and every visitor enriching the community. Guests notice the peaceful, harmonious atmosphere – ‘It feels like a sanctuary, a spiritual home,’ they say. Perhaps it is the silent afternoons, the regular meditation and Dhamma talks, or the faith of the guests who might have driven hours to offer a meal; whatever it is, Anukampa Vihara has become more than the house that was occupied in November – it has become an oasis of calm in a busy and fast-paced world.

Three guests at the Vihara with Ven Canda and Ven Upekkha

There has been a growing stream of overnight guests and drop-in visitors. Venerable Upekkha has doubled the Sangha’s presence and Grace looked after us well for seven weeks. The years of community building through “Zoomi Bhikkhuni” are finally bearing abundant fruit, with the majority of our residential guests having first met us online and since developed a lasting relationship with the community. From Norway to America (and this coming month from Perth!), everyone arrives with a heart of service, united in their aspiration to see the Bhikkhuni Sangha flourish and thrive.

After years of a solitary uphill slog, Anukampa is bursting to life, like the blossoms and leaves on the trees of Iffley Village. Thank you for supporting us in every way, both seemingly small and large.

Several day-visitor supporters with two overnight guests

Finally, to start the month of May on a high, we had the fortunate opportunity to invite two of the Oxford Buddha Vihara monks for lunch dana with us – Ven Mahasena from the Shan state of Myanmar who is currently acting abbot, and Ven Tuan from Vietnam who is studying for his PhD. The meeting was informal and filled with joy (and delicious food!). After lunch we had a fascinating discussion with Ven Tuan about the historical context of the Sarvastivadin and Early Mahayana teachings. We look forward to meeting our Dhamma brothers again at Ajahn Brahmali’s Oxford events – and hopefully seeing you there too!

Supporters with Ven Mahasena and Ven Tuan

Here are some fun photos of the day and you can click to listen to our five minute welcome and two minute blessing chant  captured on Manori’s mobile phone!

Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhuuuuuuu!

Our New Monastery & The Ajahn Brahmali Retreat

It has been a long time since I wrote to you personally, and I am so happy to be back in touch.

In this letter, I share photos, memories and videos from Ajahn Brahm’s tour; upcoming regular teachings and special events; registration links for Ajahn Brahmali’s May 2023 retreat; and of course, more about Anukampa Buddhist Vihara – how you can be involved and come and stay in our sanctuary of spiritual friendship!

Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project Update:

Latest Steps Toward Britain’s First Bhikkhuni Monastery

By Venerable Canda Bhikkhuni, June 2021

The coronavirus pandemic has widened our eyes to the fragility and uncertainty of existence. Being subject to birth, old age, sickness, and death also means being vulnerable to the disappointment and even despair of having all our plans shattered, re-made, and then shattered again. This obvious lack of control can be scary and confronting, yet if we learn to surrender to each moment with an open heart, we may find new opportunities in disguise! “Ajahn Corona” (as Ajahn Brahm dubbed it), presented tough challenges, yet also brought unexpected blessings for Anukampa’s monastery project.  

My initial concern was that prolonged lockdown, and the consequent absence of guests would bring progress to a standstill. I had to get creative in finding new ways to serve and build community. Over a year later I am delighted to say that we have not lost momentum but have made considerable steps to further both our charitable aims!

Aim 1: to promote the teachings and practices of Early Buddhism, leading to full Awakening.

Moving our teachings online brought wider international exposure to Anukampa yet more intimacy to our community. It humbles me that during tremendous physical and emotional turmoil, people had the courage to turn inward toward suffering. I received letters describing the teachings and community, as a lifeline ~ offering hope, comfort, wisdom and even joy ~ throughout times of overwhelm, loneliness and grief. I have been inspired to see people renew their commitment to and deepen their meditation practice, and as result my own confidence in Dhamma has increased. Sometimes, when our backs are against the metaphorical wall, we discover where our true refuge lies. 

Aim 2: to establish the first “Forest Monastery” in England where women can train towards full bhikkhuni ordination.

Now, there are three main areas we need to focus on, to grow deeper roots:

1. Project management/ admin help
2. Monastery caretakers and local support
3. Finances

1.  Project management/ admin help: Another wonderful result of our online teachings has been the emergence of new volunteers and project management help. Yvonne generously offered her mentoring as a gift, and we hired part-time professional admin help to lessen my load and free me up to eventually take on monastic aspirants. We welcome any donations towards our monthly admin costs. We would also love to hear from you if you would like to join our growing volunteer team: 

2.  Monastery caretakers and local support: Building a monastic Sangha depends on having committed lay residents with an established Dhamma practice interested to live in community and support the Sangha’s daily needs. Such people are rare gems; however, there may be local support in Stroud. Stroud is a small town in the Cotswolds and one of our short-listed areas for a future “Forest Monastery,” so this is extremely exciting news! We recently formed a property search committee tasked with finding accommodation in the vicinity, with a view to move in November after the annual monastic “rains’ retreat” (vasssa). We will initially be looking at rental properties, so we can further assess the suitability of the area, but do not rule out purchasing if the right place appears.

3. Finances: The combined generosity of international supporters throughout the pandemic enabled us to meet the rental costs of our temporary Vihara (Bhikkhuni Residence) in Oxford and even build on our savings. This suggests that the outgoings of a permanent monastery may be within reach! Our trustees estimate that we are two-thirds of the way to affording a suitable place. As an independent charity with no financial backing from any other Buddhist organisation this is all thanks to people, perhaps like you, who come to our events and contribute in any way you can. We feel extremely encouraged by your support as it shows you benefit from our offerings and believe in our aims.  

How Can I Be Involved?

Anukampa now need to build on their savings and would love to hear from you if you have ideas for any fund-raising initiatives (write to The charity continues to welcome regular standing orders and donations of any amount and every contribution is deeply appreciated. Ven Canda is currently on retreat, but please visit for Anukampa’s summer schedule with guest bhikkhunis Ayya Anandabodhi and Ayya Cittananda, as well as peer led Dhamma events. In December, Ajahn Brahm and Ven Canda are teaching a 7-day online retreat to help further Anukampa’s aims that you are welcome to join if your time-zone allows!

Milestones, Transitions, and Time For Retreat!

Just over two weeks ago, we relinquished our lovely little rented Bhikkhuni Vihara to her new owners. When the 4-bed Victorian terrace previously went up for sale, our charity considered buying it, but decided to hold out until we are in a practical and financial position to find something bigger. Thankfully, around the same time and due to covid, the owner delayed the sale and we were able to extend our contract for another year. During the two and a half blessed years I lived on Jeune Street, we operated both as a mini urban monastery ~ hosting guests from Europe and as far afield as Hawaii and Singapore ~ and as an online Dhamma dispensary, serving hundreds of people from around the globe. From the first UK lockdown in March 2020, our lovely dwelling became the birthplace of “Zoomi Bhikkhuni” and filled up no longer with guests, but with the inspired energy of Dhamma service, giving rich meaning and purpose to the solitude that I more often enjoyed than endured! Behind the scenes I put long hours into developing the project and our wonderful volunteer teams, and with the help of many, including my Revered Teacher Ajahn Brahm, we were able to offer a regular teaching programme to support one another, during various stages of lockdown.

It was also in Oxford that I spent my very first bhikkhuni vassa (rains’ retreat) in the UK, last year. This was my 15th vassa as a nun and 7th as a bhikkhuni, (owing to the eight years I spent previously in Myanmar and Australia as a samaneri (novice), before I was able to find an opportunity to take bhikkhuni ordination ~ not an uncommon trajectory for a female monastic!). To the best of my knowledge, this was also the first vassa any Theravada bhikkhuni had spent in the UK, in a fit for purpose bhikkhuni dwelling! That 3-month retreat period was one of deep gratitude, contentment and peace, made possible only by the generosity of hundreds of known and unknown people who offered their practical and moral support.

Whilst I feel some sadness that Britain’s first Bhikkhuni Residence is no more, I am satisfied and grateful for all we have accomplished together so far. Our monastery vision is alive and gaining momentum, and I am highly optimistic that our warm-hearted community will continue to grow and meet our aims. But for now, it is time for retreat!

I am pleasantly surprised by the remote and pretty location of our rented retreat cottage in rural Wiltshire, which is excellent for quiet meditation. As I gradually settle in and become oriented to the change, I can feel my body and mind relaxing and slowing down. There were a few teething problems ~ the first Tesco delivery driver got lost, only to arrive 4 hours and 38 emails later at 10pm! ~ but those problems seem to be solved! There is barely any mobile signal, but internet is working well, so my Skype interviews with Ajahn Brahm can proceed, and I am breathing many a sigh of relief and delight to turn inward.

Before I fully disappear with your blessings, I wish to express heartfelt gratitude to all our wonderful friends and supporters whose confidence in our project – and in me – spurs me on; and to all those who have contributed ~ and continue to contribute ~ in big and small ways towards developing a peaceful and welcoming “Forest Monastery,” where women will have the opportunity to renounce and live the Holy Life proclaimed by the Buddha in its fullness, perfect and pure.

May all beings end suffering and realise Nibbana, with minimum hassle and maximum bliss! May every step we take on this glorious Path be motivated by the compassionate intention to benefit all beings, including ourselves. May we all continue to find the encouragement, inspiration and strength to gently meet, understand and finally end suffering and along the way become beacons of light, hope and direction to others.

If you wish to support Anukampa during this time, you can make a monthly, or a one-off donation of any amount here: There is a programme of events during my retreat period, with guest teachers Ayya Anandabodhi Bhikkhuni and Ayya Cittananda as well as peer-led groups, see Our property search committee continue to work towards finding a permanent base ~ and don’t forget to sign up for our online December retreat with Ajahn Brahm and I!