
Regular Events

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Zoomi Bhikkhuni:

Most Fridays – Sutta Discussion Group

with Ven Canda, 18:45 – 20:00pm UK time 


Next sessions:

Feb 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th

March 14th, 21st, 28th (no session on 7th March due to Ven Canda's Finland retreat)

April tbc...


Whether you are a beginner to sutta study, or well acquainted with the Buddha's teachings found in the Early Buddhist texts (EBT's), this ongoing sutta discussion group provides a unique opportunity to explore the profound and timeless wisdom of the Buddha, together with Ven Canda (and occasional monastic guests).

Whilst Ven Canda will offer reflections on some of her favourite teachings, informed by her decades of sutta study and meditation practice, the main aim is to provide you an opportunity to discuss ways in which the teachings might apply to your contemporary lives, in order to inspire, guide and deepen your own practice.

In the Buddha's day, bhikkhunis, bhikkhus, lay men and lay women became enlightened after hearing just one sutta! So, you are welcome to drop in as you choose. Regular attendance will give you a deeper appreciation of the Buddha's teachings as a whole, that may transform your lives for the better!

JOINING LINK: click archive newsletter here.

N.B You will need to be signed in to your personal zoom account to access all meetings. Please refer to our easy guidelines here: Joining Zoomi Bhikkhuni.

Ven Canda

Zoomi Bhikkhuni:

Saturdays (at least twice monthly) – Guided Metta Meditation

with Ven Canda, 9:00 – 10:00am UK time


Next sessions:

Feb 8th, 22nd

March 1st, 15th, 22nd


Start the weekend resourced by cultivating a soft and spacious heart, through the powerful practice of loving kindness. Regular practice helps undermine the sticky hindrance of ill will that can manifest in numerous ways - such as fault-finding, fear, depression or lethargy -  and that zaps our vitality and joy. As we grow in loving kindness, our relationships with ourselves and others improve, our happiness increases and deep meditation becomes easier. What's not to love?!

JOINING LINK: click archive newsletter here.

N.B You will need to be signed in to your personal zoom account to access all meetings. Please refer to our easy guidelines here: Joining Zoomi Bhikkhuni.

Buddha drawings

Zoomi Bhikkhuni:


Tuesday & Thursday Silent Sitting Group

Every Tuesday and Thursday 19:15 - 20:00 UK Time via Zoom - peer hosted by Matthias.


"Since December 2021 we have had a regular group of about 20 people coming to meditate in silence together, and people have said that they find it very supportive in developing and strengthening a regular practice. It never fails to amaze me how strongly connected we can be from afar, without even uttering a word - especially when we unite in wholesome (non) action!" ~ Ven Canda


Please be aware that this is NOT a guided meditation session but is intended for those who are looking for a virtual community with whom to sit silently in meditation together.


Please join early so Matthias can let you in before he starts meditating! 

JOINING LINK: click archive newsletter here.

N.B You will need to be signed in to your personal zoom account to access all meetings. Please refer to our easy guidelines here: Joining Zoomi Bhikkhuni.

Ven Canda

Zoomi Bhikkhuni:


Pali Chanting & Blessings Group ~ Karaniya Metta Sutta

Wednesdays 17:30 - 18:00 UK Time 

*Every week (except 5th Feb).


Join us to chant or just listen to the Karaniya Metta Sutta in Pali, the closest language to that which the Buddha spoke. Every week we offer an opportunity for you to dedicate loving kindness, compassion, and blessings to those who may be in need of support – be they family, friends or those suffering through war and famine. Ven Canda will usually be available and on the rare occasion she is not, a senior Anukampa volunteer will lead the chanting.

JOINING LINK: click archive newsletter here.

N.B You will need to be signed in to your personal zoom account to access all meetings. Please refer to our easy guidelines here: Joining Zoomi Bhikkhuni.

Special Events

Ajahn Brahm with signed 50th Anniversary book for a lucky someone!
Ajahn Brahm with signed 50th Anniversary book for a lucky someone!

Saturday, 15th Feb 2025, 09:00 – 10:00 UK Time

Ajahn Brahm Joins Us Online!


Ajahn Brahm has kindly agreed to host a Dhamma session for everyone involved with Anukampa, between his teaching trips overseas : -)


Join us to meditate, hear some inspiring words about Dhamma practice and talk about Anukampa's latest projects and ways to be involved. There will be space to ask questions to both Ajahn and Ven Canda and forward any ideas you may have for continuing to build this beautiful community.


There will also be chance to participate a fun auction with some signed items that Ven Canda has brought back from Australia, including a T-shirt and bag, books, bookmarks and paintings.


Attendance is by registration and although there is no cost for the session, we invite your kind donations to help support the ongoing running costs of Anukampa Grove Bhikkhuni Monastery, the Sangha's requisite needs and future projects.


N.B. As space is limited to 100, please cancel your place if you are no longer able to attend, using the cancel button at the bottom of your confirmation email, so that someone else may join instead.

Ven Canda

Fri 7th - Sun 9th March 2025

Kindfulness - A Metta Retreat in Finland

with Ven Canda

in Kruusila, Finland


Mindfulness alone is not enough. But what about Kindfulness?

On this weekend retreat Venerable Canda will explore one of the fundamental themes in Buddhism: loving kindness or loving friendliness (mettā in Pāli).

All of the teachings will be given in English. The schedule is flexible and everything on the retreat is voluntary. All participants can listen to their own needs, while we do offer a general schedule to follow.

On the retreat we will try to uphold silent atmosphere and it is recommended to keep the eight Buddhist precepts during the weekend.


This retreat is organised by Dhamma ry ~ Dhamma Society of Finland. If you have queries regarding this particular retreat, please contact Dhamma Society of Finland directly.

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Saturday, 15th March 2025, 14:30 – 18:00

Anukampa Grove Afternoon Retreat

with Ven Canda

(15 people only)


Join us for a quiet afternoon of meditation to build up a good practice atmosphere in the tranquil surrounds of Anukampa Grove Bhikkhuni Monastery, 5 miles from Oxford, from 14:30 until 18:00pm. Please arrive and settle in quietly at 14:00, so we can start with some Dhamma teaching at 14:30.

The afternoon will include time for sitting and walking meditation, Dhamma reflections, some group discussion and (of course) tea : -)

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Saturday, 29th Mar 2025, 10:00 – 17:00

Day Retreat With Ven Canda, for London Insight Meditation:


“Liberating Perspectives on Death & Dying”


In-person retreat in London. 


Perhaps you are caring for someone who is dying, have lost a loved one or have received a diagnosis you are grappling with? Or perhaps you are healthy and imagine that death is far away – and that is the way you’d like it to stay!

The Buddha recommended meditation on death for everyone, as a way of bringing a sense of immediacy to practice. Although it may initially sound unappealing, by gently turning toward the universal reality of death, we can learn tools for living a life full of gratitude and love.

This retreat will invite us to contemplate and discuss the universal experience of death and dying, taking inspiration from Buddhist teachings as well as modern scientific research on near-death experiences, to help us find greater acceptance, wisdom and peace.

The retreat is suitable for everyone and will include Dhamma reflections, guided meditations and an opportunity for sharing questions and responses.


This retreat is organised by London Insight Meditation. If you have queries regarding this particular retreat, please contact London Insight Meditation directly.

Ven Canda passphoto

Saturday, 12th Apr 2025, 10:00 – 17:00

A day of practice with Ven Canda,

for Oxford Insight Meditation:


"Abandon Hope; Cultivate Joy!"


At Littlemore Village Hall, Oxford (and online)


The day will include periods of sitting and walking meditation, meditation instructions, dharma reflections and some time for questions. There will be a lunch break of about 1 hour. The day will mainly be in silence.

The retreat is suitable for beginners as well as those with experience of meditation practice. We ask that you commit to staying for the full day.


This event is organised by Oxford Insight Meditation. If you have queries regarding this particular retreat, please contact Oxford Insight direct.

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Saturday, 19th April 2025, 14:30 – 18:00

Anukampa Grove Afternoon Retreat

(with Ven Canda and special guest Ven Vimala)

(18 people only)


Join us for a quiet afternoon of meditation to build up a good practice atmosphere in the tranquil surrounds of Anukampa Grove Bhikkhuni Monastery, 5 miles from Oxford, from 14:30 until 18:00pm. Please arrive and settle in quietly at 14:00, so we can start with some Dhamma teaching at 14:30.

The afternoon will include time for sitting and walking meditation, Dhamma reflections, some group discussion and (of course) tea :- )

Ajahn Brahm’s “Finding Freedom” UK Tour

~ 17th – 29th June 2025 ~


This June, Ajahn Brahm returns to the UK to share his insightful teachings and compassionate wisdom. Joined by Venerable Canda, Ajahn Brahm will be offering a series of Dhamma talks in Surrey, Brighton, London and Oxford, a 6-day online retreat via Zoom, and a weekend retreat at the Mercure Hotel in Oxford. We have deliberately left a day free between the online and weekend retreats, so that those of you joining the online retreat from another country may have the chance to fly over afterwards to be with us in person, at the weekend retreat!

Ajahn Brahm’s unique blend of humour, compassion and profound understanding of Buddhist principles is certain to enrich your practice, whether you are an experienced meditator or a newcomer. His teachings cover everyday life themes, providing valuable insights and practical guidance.

Ajahn Brahm is dedicated to visiting England yearly to support Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project’s charitable aims of spreading the Dhamma and developing Anukampa Grove, our new bhikkhuni monastery. Anukampa Grove offers women the opportunity to train towards full bhikkhuni ordination for the first time in UK history and provides a nurturing environment for our warm-hearted and diverse community to flourish.

All proceeds from the tour help cover venue hire and other arrangements. Any excess funds will go towards the significant running costs of Anukampa Grove Bhikkhuni Monastery. There will also be a chance to donate at the end, towards the Sangha's requisites, building projects etc.

We strive to keep costs reasonable, thanks to the loving dedication of volunteers who freely offer their service; however if you need to please contact us to ask for bursary support.

AB 2023 tour

Tuesday, 17th June 2025, 19:00 – 21:00

Ajahn Brahm:


"A Path Without Groaning!"


Dhamma Talk at Thames Buddhist Vihara, 49 Dulverton Road, Selsdon, Surrey, CR2 8PJ.


This talk is donation based and there is no need to register– please just show up!


Wednesday, 18th June 2025, 19:00 – 21:00

Ajahn Brahm:


"Growing Through Difficult Situations"


Dhamma Talk at Community Base, Brighton. 

KSD London

Thursday, 19th June 2025, 18:30 – 20:30

Dhamma Talk by Ajahn Brahm:


"The Four Heavenly Messengers"


Dhamma Talk at Kagyu Samye Dzong, Bermondsey, London. 

Oxford Quakers Meeting House

Friday, 20th June 2025, 18:45 – 20:45

Ajahn Brahm:


"How To Be A Streamwinner"


Dhamma Talk at Oxford Quakers Friends Meeting House, Oxford. 

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Sat 21st - Thu 26th June 2025

Ajahn Brahm & Ven Canda's 6-day Online Retreat:


"Finding Freedom"


Online Retreat via Zoom. 


What Others Are Saying:

I feel really moved meditating under your guidance in this retreat. Tears streamed down my face during the talk. Feeling, not just intellectually knowing, that there is a way to freedom, there is a way to end suffering. And I feel like I really live a good life, but that feeling of liberation, that I sense coming from you is so profound and all pervasive, that no joy or peace I have ever experienced gets near it. I want to make full use of my time with you. Let go and surrender to the truth, even though it is hard at times.

~ Susanne, a participant in Ajahn Brahm & Ven Canda's "Wisdom of Silence" online retreat, June 2024


About The Retreat


Join Ajahn Brahm and Ven Canda for an inspiring online retreat this summer! Over six transformative days, the teachers will guide you through profound teachings and meditation practices, helping you discover inner peace and true freedom—all from the comfort of your own home (or a lovely place of your choice).

Ajahn Brahm & Ven Canda are renowned for creating safe and loving spaces for learning the Dhamma and their complimentary styles present a rich offering that combines story-telling, compassion and wisdom. Practical insights for overcoming life’s challenges and finding joy in the moment are given through the use of examples from their many decades of Buddhist practice and meditation. Through engaging talks, guided meditations and opportunities for Q&A, you will learn how to navigate the challenges of life with a calm and open heart, finding freedom from the burdens of stress, worry and afflictive emotions.

"Finding Freedom" is an invitation to uncover the peace and joy that reside within you. The teachers will share insights on how to let go of attachments, embrace impermanence and cultivate a mind that is free from suffering. Their teachings will inspire you to live with greater awareness, kindness and resilience, no matter what is happening in your life.

Whether you are new to meditation or have years of experience, the teachers' gentle, encouraging approach will ensure that everyone, of every gender, background and skill level, can benefit from this retreat. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life and discover the true essence of freedom!

Full attendance is ideal to make the most of your retreat. Please be sure to give yourself the very best opportunity for developing inner freedom!


Tentative Retreat Schedule

(8:30 on 21st Jun ~ 17:00 on 26th Jun, UK time ~ BST)


*Please note that the bold-type indicates online group sessions.

Sat 21st June:

08:30 - 10:30 Dhamma talk, guided meditation (Ajahn Brahm)
10:30 - 12:30 Cooking and lunchtime for those on 8 precepts offline
12:30 - 15:00 Rest and personal practice offline
15:00 - 15:45 Guided Meditation with (alternate days) Ajahn Brahm or Ven Canda
16:00 - 17:00 Sutta teachings and discussion with (alternate days) Ajahn Brahm or Ven Canda
17:00 - 18:30 Personal practice offline 
18:30 - 19:20 Metta chanting and silent group meditation
19:30 - 20:30 Q&A with Ajahn Brahm and/or Ven Canda


Sun 22nd - Wed 25th June:

06:00 - 07:00 Recommended morning meditation, offline
08:30 - 10:30 Dhamma talk, guided meditation (Ajahn Brahm)
10:30 - 12:30 Cooking and lunchtime for those on 8 precepts offline
12:30 - 15:00 Rest and personal practice offline
15:00 - 15:45 Guided Meditation with (alternate days) Ajahn Brahm or Ven Canda
16:00 - 17:00 Sutta teachings and discussion with (alternate days) Ajahn Brahm or Ven Canda
17:00 - 18:30 Personal practice offline 
18:30 - 19:20 Metta chanting and silent group meditation
19:30 - 20:30 Q&A with Ajahn Brahm and/or Ven Canda


Thu 26th June:

06:00 - 07:00 Recommended morning meditation, offline
08:30 - 10:30 Dhamma talk, guided meditation (Ajahn Brahm)
10:30 - 12:30 Cooking and lunchtime for those on 8 precepts offline
12:30 - 14:30 Rest and personal practice offline
14:30 - 15:15 Closing Dhamma Talk (Ajahn Brahm)
15:30 - 17:00 Small group meetings, Q&A (both) and final blessing (Ven Canda)


*Full time attendance – including the personal practice period – is advisable for this retreat, so you can experience the full potential of the practice and participate in creating a conducive community space. Due to the time zone, it will therefore work best for people in the UK and Europe (or the east coast of the US if you are willing to adopt forest monastery time and rise early!) If most of the online schedule will not work for you, we kindly ask that you leave the space for someone else and instead watch the recordings once we upload them to our YouTube channel.

Please check the retreat schedule against your time zone here.


Sat 28th - Sun 29th June 2025, 9:30am - 5:30pm each day

A-2 Day Non-Residential Weekend Retreat  With Ajahn Brahm: 


"Compassionately Mindful"


at Mercure Oxford Hawkwell House Hotel ~ Oxford.


How can we cultivate a deeper sense of mindfulness and compassion in our everyday lives? How can these practices lead to greater emotional resilience and inner peace? Immerse yourself in a transformative weekend retreat with Ajahn Brahm. Set against the serene backdrop of Oxford, this retreat offers a unique opportunity to deepen your mindfulness practice through the lens of compassion.

This retreat will help you develop the ability to be present in each moment with kindness and understanding, allowing you to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and grace. You will discover practical tools to integrate mindfulness and compassion into your daily routine, enhancing your well-being and fostering a sense of inner peace.

The weekend will include Dhamma reflections, Q&A sessions, periods of seated and walking meditation, and lots of laughter! Ajahn Brahm’s unique blend of humour and wisdom ensures that the teachings are both enlightening and enjoyable.

Whether you are new to meditation or have years of experience, this retreat will provide you with valuable insights and practices to deepen your understanding and experience of compassionate mindfulness. Embrace the opportunity to brighten your mind and cultivate a heart of compassion.

Sayadaw U Jagara & Ven Canda

July 2025

A Rare Month-Long Silent Retreat in the US led by Sayadaw U Jagara and Ven Canda


"Wise Perspectives, Loving Attitudes"


in Barre, Massachusetts


Registration is now open at Insight Meditation Society, Forest Refuge!


Sayadaw U Jagara is Ven Canda’s long-term friend and mentor and he has invited her to assist him in teaching his annual month-long retreat at the Forest Refuge in Barre, Massachusetts. Ordained in 1979, and having lived and practiced in Sri Lanka and Burma for decades, Sayadaw has a rich understanding and practice of Buddhist teachings ~  he is a gem of wisdom in these modern times.

To understand and live life fully, wise perspectives are key. Equally important are our attitudes, which can be shaped to allow for more integration and creativity in practice. Skilful attitudes, intentions and ways of relating to life include care, respect and patience; qualities that define a benevolent mind capable of bringing profound benefit to all. 

This powerful combination of wise perspective and loving attitude is the foundation of the Noble Eightfold Path - there framed as samma ditthi and samma sankappa. Through strengthening these factors we empower our meditation and the bodhipakkhiya dhammas (wings of awakening) naturally come to fulfilment.

Emphasising wisdom and loving kindness, this retreat intends to touch on all aspects of the path, to help bring about a paradigm shift in the way we position ourselves to life.


This retreat is organised by Insight Meditation Society, Forest Refuge. If you have queries regarding this particular retreat, please contact IMS Forest Refuge directly.

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