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Ven Upekkha’s Musings

09 May 2023

Crawling out from under a rock in Gidgegannup, I felt like a neanderthal arriving at Heathrow airport. Prepared with a stack of letters proving that it was alright to enter a country without money, I stood on the 300 or so long e-immigration line that was manned by two people. It may have been Ajahn Brahm …

What’s Happening at the Monastery?

09 May 2023

Here at Anukampa Vihara we have had many delightful comings and goings, with each and every visitor enriching the community. Guests notice the peaceful, harmonious atmosphere – ‘It feels like a sanctuary, a spiritual home,’ they say. Perhaps it is the silent afternoons, the regular meditation and Dhamma talks, or the faith of the guests who might have driven hours to offer …

Our New Monastery & The Ajahn Brahmali Retreat

26 December 2022

It has been a long time since I wrote to you personally, and I am so happy to be back in touch. In this letter, I share photos, memories and videos from Ajahn Brahm’s tour; upcoming regular teachings and special events; registration links for Ajahn Brahmali’s May 2023 retreat; and of course, more about Anukampa …

Welcome Back! Re-Opening To Visitors At Our New Oxford Property: “Anukampa Buddhist Vihara,” 12 November 2022

19 November 2022

Dear friends, It has been more than two years since we temporarily limited visitors to our former Bhikkhuni Residence, but with the improvement of the global health situation worldwide, we are glad to announce that we are able to re-open to both residential and non-residential visits, now that Venerable Canda is back in the UK …

Important Announcement!

09 July 2022

Dear friends and supporters, We are delighted to inform you that we have just completed the purchase of our first Vihara (monastic dwelling) in Oxford. After seven years’ hard work in bringing this to fruition, Venerable Canda has a place to deepen her meditation practice, train Bhikkhunis, and teach the Dhamma; and the lay community …

Developing resilience

25 May 2022

We are pleased to share the second episode of a new podcast with Venerable Candā is available now called “Developing Resilience”. With thanks to Sol at the Buddhist Society of Western Australia for making these available. In this episode of Sage Advice, we have Bhikkhuni Candavisuddhi, known as Venerable Canda, the pioneering nun blazing …

Blazing a trail for women monastics in the UK – Bhikkhuni Canda

18 May 2022

We are delighted to share this Treasure Mountain podcast with you: In this episode of Spirit Stories our guest is Venerable Candavisuddhi, also known as Ayya Canda, who first encountered meditation and the spiritual path when travelling through Asia as a young woman. This led to several years of going on and supporting retreats …

Great Beginnings for Bhikkhunis in England!

20 April 2022

News from Venerable Canda and Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project, UK We are delighted to share the news, that after a long search, the Anukampa Trust have found a suitable mid-term property and the vendors have accepted the offer! Located in a quiet cul-de-sac about two miles away from Oxford city centre, the Bhikkhuni Vihara-to-be is close to green spaces, …

Fulfilling Buddha’s Vision

23 December 2021

Sharing a wonderful new Bhikkhuni documentary, featuring three revered pioneer bhikkhunis: Ayya Dhammananda, Ayya Tathālokā Bhikkhunī and Ayya Santussika of Karuna Buddhist Vihara, as well as leading lay women supporters and academics, and two monks with VERY different attitudes towards bhikkhhuni ordination. Thank you Thāvirā Sāmaṇerī for posting this and also participating as part of …

A Life of Kindfulness – a tribute to Ajahn Brahm on his 70th birthday

10 August 2021

This movie is a tribute to Ajahn Brahm, prepared for his 70th birthday on 7 August 2021. It has clips from interviews with eminent monks and nuns, such as Ven Somdet Thepsirin, Bhikkhu Bodhi, Ven Analayo, Dhammananda Bhikkhuni, Ven Mettavihari and Ven Kusuma. There are scenes from Bodhinyana Monastery in Western Australia and also from …

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