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70th Birthday Message to Ajahn Brahm, from Ven Canda & The Anukampa Community

07 August 2021

“Love Letters to Myanmar” by Insight Myanmar Podcast

27 July 2021

Venerable Canda features in this fourth episode of the ongoing series, “Love Letters to Myanmar.” by Insight Myanmar Podcast Listen to the podcast here. “Reflecting now on everything she received in her spiritual life from Burmese teachers and the wider monastic and lay community, Venerable Canda feels that now is very much the time to …

“Opening Up To Kindfulness” by Ajahn Brahm

19 July 2021

Foreword by Ajahn Brahmali Mindfulness, shmindfulness. It’s everywhere. In many countries, large parts of the population have been exposed to this fashionable trend, sometimes to the point of weariness. More to the point, while the benefits of mindfulness have been publicised with much fanfare, are we really getting it right? Or could it be that …

Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project Update:

19 July 2021

Latest Steps Toward Britain’s First Bhikkhuni Monastery!  By Venerable Canda Bhikkhuni, June 2021 The coronavirus pandemic has widened our eyes to the fragility and uncertainty of existence. Being subject to birth, old age, sickness, and death also means being vulnerable to the disappointment and even despair of having all our plans shattered, re-made, and then shattered again. This obvious lack of control can be scary and confronting, yet if …

Milestones, Transitions, and Time For Retreat!

27 June 2021

Just over two weeks ago, we relinquished our lovely little rented Bhikkhuni Vihara to her new owners. When the 4-bed Victorian terrace previously went up for sale, our charity considered buying it, but decided to hold out until we are in a practical and financial position to find something bigger. Thankfully, around the same time …

Venerable Canda: “At Peace Through Loving Kindness and Gratitude”

09 January 2021

New Year Retreat 2020, for Sheffield Insight   I hope you had a nice lunch; nutritious, delicious, and warm.   Somebody just mentioned in the chat box to me privately, that during the break they read in Bhikkhu Bodhi’s book – it would be a translation of the Therigatha (verses of the Enlightened Bhikkhunis – …

Meaning & Joy in Service: Anukampa’s Annual Volunteer Meeting

28 November 2020

Transcription of Ajahn Brahm’s address at the meeting by Lia Lalli, edited by Ven Canda.   Sunday, 8th November 2020   Ajahn Brahm:   “I have been teaching meditation for almost fifty years now.  One of the first meditation teachings I gave was when I was a twenty-two-year-old high school teacher in Devon where I …

Rains Retreat Announcement:

26 June 2020

4th July – 4th October 2020   From Saturday 4th July until Sunday 4th October Ven Canda will be on a three month silent retreat. This will be the first time in history that any Theravada Bhikkhuni is spending the vassa (traditional monastic “rains retreat”) supported as a bhikkhuni in a designated bhikkhuni dwelling in the …

Anukampa Responds To Black Lives Matter

26 June 2020

We are living in extraordinary times. As we are in our various phases of unlocking lock-down, depending on our geographical location and personal situation, we are also entering the fourth week of the largest anti-racist movement in living memory. Large and overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrations are happening across three continents, in the wake of the tragic …

Venerable Canda was a guest at Danny Hill’s podcast

07 August 2019

“Monk on a Motorbike,” as Danny Hill introduces himself, spends a good hour with Venerable Canda, discussing Dhamma, Venerable Canda’s path, women’s ordination in Theravada Buddhism, and much more. Listen with a cuppa in installments if you wish! The whole podcast can be found here:

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