Dear friends and supporters,
We are delighted to inform you that we have just completed the purchase of our first Vihara (monastic dwelling) in Oxford. After seven years’ hard work in bringing this to fruition, Venerable Canda has a place to deepen her meditation practice, train Bhikkhunis, and teach the Dhamma; and the lay community now has a place to gather and practice – a Dhamma sanctuary.
Our Spiritual Advisor Ajahn Brahm sent us this wonderful congratulatory message:
“The Buddhist Society of Western Australia started in a small house, 4 Magnolia Street in North Perth, over 40 years ago. It is now a huge Buddhist organisation with many monasteries for nuns and monks, state-of-the-art retreat centres and lay city centres. Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project has just purchased our very own Bhikkhuni Vihara in Oxford. This may seem a small achievement to some but, having personally seen all the hard work and sacrifice of those who made this event happen, it is a major milestone that we have reached. Bhikkhunis now have a home in England. Of course, this is not the finale in our quest for equity for women in Theravada Buddhism in the UK. From the comfortable house in Oxford, we intend to eventually purchase a larger property, in a quiet location, on which to build a Bhikkhuni Monastery similar to those monk-run monasteries in the UK. As Buddhists, we are patient, but your generosity and support will see our dream appear sooner. With Mega Mettā, Ajahn Brahm.”